Then my mother sent me a birthday card with a post-script that said, "Tues Apr 7th all [of my family] are getting together... for 60th B-days for Dad, Kati + Bruce -- bring Garrett to meet everyone!"
After a brief conversation with my husband I was on the road heading toward home.
Though my diaper stash is respectable, it is by no means huge so I grabbed both of my wet bags, filled the one with every cloth diaper I owned that fit my son (including the prefolds and covers, wool and doublers) and left the other one empty to use as the true "wet bag."
The five and a half hour drive was the longest I'd ever taken by myself with a baby and I was thrilled with how well we did, stopping only three times to nurse and change diapers.
When we arrived at my parents' home we had as fantastic of a time as I could hope for. It was wonderful to meet my niece for the first time and for Garrett's aunts, cousins, great aunts and uncles and old friends to meet him, too.
My sister offered to change Garrett's diaper and later that evening I took off his clothes to find she had put his BumGenius AIO on backwards. It didn't leak and Garrett didn't seem to care so all was well.
The only real hiccup was when it came to washing. My parents have a water softener and I unintentionally used too much detergent in the wash which caused an array or suds and bubbles in the wash that took several rinses to clear. It was good that they have their own well water so I didn't have to feel guilty about doing multiple rinses.
I had a wonderful time and the experience taught me that it's not so scary to take cloth diapers on a trip.
In retrospect I have learned a few things I would like to pass on as advice:
- Unless prefolds and covers are your only and/or favorite means of diapering, leave them at home and take only fitted, one-size or AIO diapers. I found I used the prefolds only as changing pads and as they added bulk to an already overly-bulky luggage I wish I had left them at home. My BumGenius AIOs and Pockets were my go-to diapers for the entire trip as I was always on the go and famiy who offered to change my son's diapers found them easier to manage.
- When washing diapers in an unfamiliar washing machine, with unfamiliar water, start with 1/4 the recommended detergent and go from there. It's a lot easier to rewash a load of diapers than it is to do six rinses to get all of the excess detergent out.
- If you have a night-time system that works well for you don't try to change it while traveling. While in someone else's house, in someone else's bed, is not the time to discover leaks and mishaps in your diapering system.
- If you take wool, make sure it's good and lanolized and clean before you go. Take the minimum for wool cleaning. I didn't have to wash or lanolize any of my wool while I was gone but I was ready if I had needed to.
- Have fun and don't worry. If you discover that cloth diapers are getting in the way of you having a fun time then switch to disposables if you can and enjoy yourself. Agonizing about your baby's diapers is not cunducive to having a good time. A few days or disposables to give you the freedom to enjoy your time with friends, family or in a new place is well worth it.
Take a chance. Take a trip. Take your cloth!
I've been doing cloth with my daughter since she was about 6 months old (now 17 months old and oh so close to not even needing diapers!). I'm pregnant with my second (due next month) and plan to start cloth at birth. We've traveled quite a bit with cloth and so far so good. We do prefolds but I think this time around we'll have more AIOs on hand because of their ease. We have at one point owned 2 AIOs but somehow in the great abyss they have been lost (like, seriously, how in the world do you lose an AIO?!).
ReplyDeleteWhat type of diapers do you use overnight? I've done tons of research, but can't come up with a very good answer. My daughter has never worn cloth at night (bad sleeper, didn't want to make her a worse sleeper waking up wet), so I'm a bit confused as to what to put our new baby in.
I'm actually planning to do a whole blog on nighttime diapering as there has been quite a bit of trial and error with that but we've found our solution.