Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Let's talk about wiping our kids' butts for a second.

When I first started getting into cloth diapering I was sure that I was also going to do cloth wipes. I mean, why not? As soon as I started looking for said wipes I started to see advertisements for wipe solutions. Naturally, I took a look.

There was everything from "make your own" home-style solutions, to fancy store bought ones with perfumes and this and that, there were also hypoallergenic solutions that sited they were the best for sensitive babies, etc, etc, etc.

When my son was finally born we used up the wipes that people had given us and when my little guy got his first diaper rash I learned that a way to treat it was to rinse his tush after every diaper change with pure water. We did that until his rash cleared up and when I introduced cloth wipes to him I did so with pure tap water.

Later, after weeks of just water and a cloth wipe, I went to a diaper store where wipe solutions were sold. After having a discussion with the owner she convinced me to try a sample of their wipe solution.

I took it home, tried it, and within a day my little boy broke out in a rash. I went back to tap water only and the rash went away.

Over the next couple of months I would try home remedies, store bought wipes and other "solutions" only to wonder why I even bothered at all as the only time his butt remained a healthy pink was with pure water.

So, I'm done trying fancy solutions and wipes, in my trial and error opinion, the best of all (and most sensitive) solution is the one God gave us: good old water!

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